A testament must be clearly articulated. It is not a requirement that you have to get help from a lawyer to set up the will, but it’s statutory form that must be followed in order for it to be valid.

You can bequeath a specific subject or away a share (percentage) of what you leave behind you.

A gift in your will. You can make a difference after you are gone. A gift in your will creates hope for the future.

These form requirements must be followed:

  • The will must be in writing.
  • The person who creates the will (testator) must sign or verify its signature, with two witnesses present.
  • The witnesses must be over 18 years of age and.
  • The witnesses must sign while both the second testator and the witness is present.
  • The witnesses need to know that there is a testament, but they do not know the contents of the will.
  • The witnesses or witness family must not be record in the will.
  • The witnesses must not have the service relationship with a person or institution/organisation that is typesetting in the will.
Testamentary See our brochure “Testamentary” (pdf) for further information. Here you will also see an example of how a will can look like.

This you should include in your will – UK Wills

Points 1 to 4 are especially important to include.

1. The will should have the date. If there are several Testaments with conflicting content, the last testament is added to reason. If there is no contradiction between the several wills, applies the provisions of all.

2. Those who have created the testament earlier and write new testament, should write clear that earlier testament be revoked if there is only the past that should apply.

3. national identity number should be Testators in Testament, for things the dishes use personal identification number in their testaments registry.

4. The witnesses should confirm that it is a testament, and that the testator wrote the will of free will. In addition, the witness date of birth and address stating so that it is possible to find the witnesses if there will be a need for it. 5. Provisions on grave’s endowment or others would like associated with the funeral/burial site, can be included in the will. If you have specific desires for funeral or burial place, it also makes sense to inform your loved ones about what your wishes are.

6. It can in the will is determined that the legacy is going to be the recipient’s separate property.

7. It should be what is going to happen if a dies before the testator testaments heir.

8. If two people enter a mutually testament to the benefit of each other and at the same time decide who will inherit when both are gone, it is important to write about the longest running to have, or not to have, the right to change the mutual will.

Storage of testament

To be sure that the will be inherit the settlement, it is important to ensure that the will is found after the death. The best way to ensure this is to hand in the original testament to the nearest District Court (Court). Testament is then registered in a national registry, and the District Court gives information about the will to the record after the testator’s death.

Do you need a lawyer help?

The Bar Association has overview of lawyers where you live.

If you do not write a will, it is the inheritance law that determines the way that you leave you will be distributed between your family.